Dear friends!
We are striving to develop the LADA Moscow website as the best knowledge base about owning and maintaining LADA cars. That’s why some time ago here in LADA Moscow we decided that anyone contributing the knowledge base project should be rewarded.
You can help other Lada enthusiasts by sharing your experience like the guys from GTC do! So, anyone that writes and submits an article or report about tuning or repairing a LADA using LadaMoscow.com parts will get a 5% discount on their next order. Perhaps you have a repair that is a helpful tip/hack or does not use LadaMoscow.com parts it too is welcome, and will be rewarded with a 3% discount on your next order!
The report can be a written article with photos and/or a video in English and should describe the process in detail. The report/article/video must be your own work and not already be featured anywhere else. By submitting a report to Lada Moscow you are giving permission for us to use and edit the content as required.
Please email your reports to info@ladamoscow.com Reports will be posted on the website in the relevant section of the website with author's name=) Let's develop LADA culture together!
Yours sincerely,
LADA Moscow Team