LADA VFTS crazy restoration
The original VFTS The year of production is approximately 1986 Firstly E.Tumaliavichus/P.Videika, and then Vitautas Sabaotaitis /Arūnas...

LADACARE - Lada Approved Accessories
The booklet shows the full range of accessories which could be implemented on Lada 1200 estate (sedan) or Saloon (universal). It is said...

Shed Culture in USSR / Russia
Shed in the USSR is a holy cause. Everything began in the early 60-s. That time the USSR Council of Ministers approved organization of...

Soviet electric Lada Wagon
VAZ-2801- one of few Soviet serially produted eletric cars. It was created on the base of model 2102, without rear doors and windows, it...